New York City
4 evenings of new play readings – The first evening, Not To Be Ignored, January 28 (Monday) at 7:00pm, includes plays by – Judy Stadt, Linda Billington, Judd Lear Silverman – each piece containing a lead character entering their golden years. Winter Shorts, January 29 (Tuesday) at 7:00pm, includes a mix of themes by master writers Karen Eterovich, Judd Lear Silverman, Dawson Moore, Arlitia Jones, Richard Cottrell. The third evening, offers Blue Roses the opportunity to introduce NYC audiences to some of the outstanding playwrights from the last frontier. Blue Roses Celebrates Alaskan Playwrights, February 4 (Monday) at 7:00pm – introduces plays by Mollie Ramos, Lucas Rowley, Tom Moran, Carolyn Roesbery, Dawson Moore, Linda Billington, Schatzie Schaefers, Kyra Meyer, Forrest Leo. The winter Infusion series concludes with a reading of Kennedy V, the latest full-length from popular playwright/filmmaker/composer – Roland Tec – February 26 (Tuesday) at 7:00pm.