Fresh from the success of their November effort, keepingabreast, The Ratutu Collaborative begins the new year with a night of short plays, spoof commercials, and film. The plays featured in Bad Ass Shorts all tackle odd situations and over-the-top circumstances.
In the musical Finding the Wonder (book/lyrics/music by Gwynne Watkins, Betina Hershey and Denver Casado) a superhero goes on a quest to regain her super powers and her relevance.
Dummy, by Tanya Ritchie, finds a ventriloquist struggling to sustain a tumultuous love affair with his dummy.
Carl Danielson’s Welcome Home, Molly DeCandia explores what happens when a teenager discovers she is living in an alternate universe.
Adrian Quihuis details the unbelievable results of bumbling secret servicemen in Secret Service.
In Not What Not to Wear by Serena Makofsky, a suspicious barista gets the surprise of her life.
Finnegan Ripley makes an argument for why everyone should skip breakfast in the A.R. Gurney inspired The Spring Slips.
The Ratutu Collaborative is committed to creating relevant, but not pretentious, theatre and supporting new playwrights in New York City and around the country.
Appropriate for ages: 18+