About This Show

As part of HERE’s annual summer festival, eight new performance works are showcased in the American Living Room Festival: Performance Series.

August 4
My Mom Across America, written and performed by Tina Lee; directed by David Lane
Stuck on an all-Korean bus trip across Canada, Tina Lee is forced to confront being Korean, her mother, and other baggage.
America Eats Its Young, written and performed by Lisa Ramirez; directed by Liz Anderson
A woman living on Park Avenue gets a nanny.

August 11
Marguerite’s Fixture, performed by McCormick Templeman, written and co-directed by Robert Quillen Camp; co-directed by Alexis Poledouris
Confronted with an array of bare light bulbs, Marguerite tries to locate herself in and against the ambiguous territory of her refracted history.
JJ: Another Strange Bedfellow, excerpt from a solo multimedia play performed and created by Amy Guggenheim
Lost in the culture of consumption, JJ embarks on a lyrical but idiosyncratic seduction of the audience to expose the “other” in all of us.

August 18
Bill of Rights, written by Emily XYZ; performed by Emily XYZ and Myers Bartlett
The queen of 2-voice poetry lays down the law for you!
Cult of Thirst, written and directed by Paul Skiff
An extraordinary voice in contemporary poetry connects the word directly to life.

August 26
Courtesy Works, performed and created by Jessma Evans and Nora Wooley
Social etiquette is tested in the gritty underground of the New York City subway system.
Big Times, created by Mia Barron, Maggie Lacey, and Danielle Skraastad
3 big girls and 1 little mouse pursue their big dream of Vaudeville.

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: August 4, 2000 Final Performance: August 26, 2000
Location: HERE, New York City

145 6th Ave,

New York,


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