New York City
American Eyeball is a new musical comedy by the Lovesphere, a collective of musicians and artists. The show is the tale of Moldavian singing twins joined at the ass who move to New York because one of them has a scholarship to study sociology. Moving in with a savvy gay couple on St. Mark’s Place, they are immediately targeted by a pornographer across the hall as recruits. The temptations of a hedonistic lifestyle drive a wedge between the twins, who decide to enter a television talent show to get money for their seperation surgery. Unfortunately, terrorist musicians take over the show, disqualifying the twins, who are suspected wrongly of complicity. Finally they are offered a free surgery by a doctor in Grenada, who they find out too late to be a snuff film director.
The book is written by Gary Heidt, with material by Edward Coyne; the lyrics are written by Gary Miles, Gary Heidt and Nathan Metz; music is by Gary Miles and Gary Heidt. Flora Scott is the director, Von Jacobs is the choreographer.