About This Show

The work of monologist Tara Clancy is best described as a combination of the manic paranoia of Woody Allen (as a Catholic girl from Queens) with the observations of minutia of Jerry Seinfeld (after a fifth of Jack Daniels).

Borrowing from the long-form narrative style popularized by Spalding Gray, Tara Clancy’s newest work Achilles chronicles what it was like getting into Manhattan while growing up in Broad Channel, a mystical, bizarre, small working class town way out in Queens. Claims Tara, “If forced to make an anatomical comparison, cos’ it happens often, I’d say that the “A” train is New York’s Achilles tendon- the unbreakable, but occasionally lax, bond between Brooklyn/Queens and Manhattan, the vulnerable heel forever tied to the great Metropolis’ chiseled calf.”

Show Details

Dates: One Night Only: March 24, 2005