Sisters Ruth (Elizabeth Broadhurst) and Eileen Sherwood (Savannah Frazier) move to New York City (from Ohio) to seek careers in writing and acting, respectively. Ruth’s first assignment is to interview Brazilian sailors and the result is a city-wide conga line and a brief stint in jail for Eileen. Their notoriety also results in a gig at The Village Vortex run by Paul Binotto. The visitors to their Greenwich Village basement apartment include a prostitute who used to live there (Piera Calabro), football player and upstairs neighbor (David Wiens), his live-in girlfriend (Jillian Gottlieb), her disapproving mother (Leslie Alexander) and modern painter/landlord (Perry Lambert). Dinner guests include an earnest magazine editor (James Donegan), a slime-ball newspaper editor (Leland Burnett) and the local Walgreen’s manager (Ian Lowe). Bob likes Ruth, Ian likes Eileen and Chick likes anything in a skirt. Joining in the fun are Brekken Baker, Neville Braithwaite, Joshua Downs, Abby Hart, Isaac Matthews, Dallas Padoven, Ryan Rhue, Eric Shorey and Allyson Tolbert. To find out which boys get which girls – come join us.