Acclaimed playwright, poet and actor Sarah Jones stars in her new one-woman show bridge & tunnel. Directed by Tony Taccone, with set and lights by Alexander V. Nichols, it is produced by Allan Buchman, Robert Dragotta and The Culture Project.
In this new show, Jones’s fresh ingredients are added to the modern urban American melting pot. Building on the success of her previous show Surface Transit, ten characters travel the roads of assimilation to tell the story of American change in an ever-changing America. Mohammed, a charismatic Pakistani accountant; Mrs. Ling, the Chinese mother adjusting to her daughter’s alternative lifestyle and Nereida, a young Latina with a quick wit and an even faster tongue, are but a few of Jones’s gallery of characters. This mix of voices emanates from the reaches of New York’s boroughs with origins far beyond the city’s limits.
The show plans to re-open on Broadway in March 2005!