New York City
Quirky, crazy, and world-renowned comedy team Kristen Schaal and Kurt Braunohler bring their hysterical act to Comix on Sept 5th and 6th!
Winner of the Best Female Comedian at the 2008 ECNY Awards, Kristen Schaal is one of the brightest talents in alternative comedy today. Kristen’s oddball act has landed her on several of the most successful television shows, including Flight of the Conchords, Mad Men, and Law and Order: SVU.
Kurt Braunohler has been performing improv, sketch comedy, and stand-up in New York for the past 9 years. Equally as funny as Kristen, Kurt has been seen on shows like MTV’s Human Giant. Together, Kristen and Kurt have taken their show to every major comedy festival around the world, including the Aspen, Melbourne, and Montreal Comedy Festival and created the hit internet-TV show Penelope: Princess of Pets