After dazzling audiences in 2015, this thrilling group of dance innovators returns to the Armory with the unquenchable energy and blazing focus of a new art form coming into the world. Characterized by snapping, pausing,
bone-breaking, gliding, get-low, hat tricks, and real-time in-body animation, flex street dancing evolved from the Jamaican bruk-up found in dance halls and reggae clubs in Brooklyn. As both a dance and a social revolution, FLEXN Evolution testifies and bears witness to a surging movement in America that cannot be ignored. With power, grace,
soul, and sheer exhilaration, flex dancers return to the drill hall with a constantly evolving style and vocabulary that explores love and justice and reflects the urgency demanded by the times. Each performance begins with an onstage conversation exploring the complexities of some of society’s most pressing issues. Moderated by Reggie Gray and Peter Sellars; special guests include public figures, social justice advocates, community leaders, and youth.