About the Show

Based on a true story, the Underwood Theater presents Fighting Words, the dramatic tale of Johnny Owen, a boxer from a small working-class Welsh town who travels to Los Angeles to compete in an international championship fight. The events unfold through the story of three women from Johnny’s hometown, each of whom has a unique passion for Johnny and his pursuits. Nia yearns for a career as a BBC radio announcer, and more importantly, an existence outside of small town life. Her younger sister, the tomboyish Peg, idolizes Johnny. His drive fuels not only Peg’s fantasy to be a worthy contender in the ring, but also a worthy sparring partner for Johnny. Mrs. Davies is the sisters’ landlady, who acts as a referee to their rivalry on the homefront. As the town’s men journey across the Atlantic to support their local hero in his quest to become a world champ, the women are left to cheer on Johnny from afar. The action culminates as the women host a party at the town gym, watching the match on television. Liz Diamond directs.

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