This is the story of a hard-luck horn player named Junior, who comes to life in this original work by Steven Sapp and Mildred Ruiz. Using elements often outside the focus of mainstream theater – blues, flamenco, and spoken-word poetry – Eyewitness Blues explores and expands the very forms that theater can take.
Mildred Ruiz and Steven Sapp, two of the collaborators from Universes, the group behind NYTW’s 2001 production of Slanguage, have joined forces with arrangers/composers Carlos Pimentel, Paul Thompson and Antoine Drye (Thompson and Drye provide live musical accompaniment) to create an affecting portrait of artists and the vibrant culture, traditions, and personal experience they bring to their work.
Beginning March 28: Monday @ 7pm, Wednesday – Friday @ 8pm, Saturday @ 5pm & 10pm, Sunday @ 3pm & 7pm