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$10.00; $25.00; $50.00

About This Show

Celebrating 25 years of brashly turning circus arts on its head, Circus Oz of Melbourne, Australia, promises another exhilarating extravaganza flush with cheek humor, unparalleled skill, and irrestible Aussie charm. Fueled by the rock and roll rhythms of an onstage band, a team of daffy daredevils defy convention and gravity: an Eagle Scout is shot from a cannon in hopes of earning one final merit badge; the theater’s ceiling becomes a dressing room for a vertically challenged clown; an aspriring Oz-ie tries to break into the show with some loopy BMX-bike stunts; and a family of cockatoo-clad trapezists tries desperately to teach their baby to fly.

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: December 5, 2003 Final Performance: January 11, 2004