New York City
Random Arts presents John Topping?s Perpetually Untitled Evening of Comedy. The evening is a collection of bizarre and unique comedy sketches and songs, some brand new and some hatched from previously untitled performances of John Topping. A transplant from LA, John Topping delivers a comic styling which is quirky, innovative, and always funny. Skits include: Video Psychiatrist, My New Lover, Shaft de Deux, 1-900-Drug Addict, Dueling Whistlers and one of his most popular pieces, Beatles Tunes Sung As Notable American Anthems.
ABOUT THE RANDOM ARTISTS: The Random Artists started up in Spring 2001 with 3 ensemble shows at The Sidewalk Café, and is now moving into featured Artist-run shows. The premise of the group is to encourage actors and singers to create their own shows, as well as find other artists eager to work together and create a new style of entertainment. Autumn 2001 sees these Random Artists showing off their newest material.
About The Sidewalk Café: The Sidewalk Café presents an eclectic (and dare we say?random!) mix of performers, singers and musicians and comedians every night in their cabaret space. Located on 6th Street and Avenue A, the Sidewalk also features a restaurant and bar.