About This Show

A hot date, job security, and eternal bliss are some of the conditions Jennifer Klein craves in her upbeat and amusing cabaret, SWF Seeking… A collection of songs and witty sketches, this
show asks if a 5’2″ red-headed Jersey girl can find “core” happiness in the Big Apple.

While Ms. Klein confronts the lessons of life with laughter, honesty and bold
vulnerability, the production’s musical score captures the potpourri of New
York City life. Backed by a five-piece band, Ms. Klein croons tunes such
as “Masochism Tango” and “Stupid Boy”. Melodies range from classic musical theatre to rock-n-roll. Jazz numbers are complete with funky sax solos and sexy vocal riffs. Jennifer Klein’s energetic one-woman show bounces off the walls like a happy ping-pong ball that has just delivered the winning lottery numbers.


Mondays: Oct. 27, Nov. 3, Nov. 17 – 8pm
Saturday: Nov. 15 – 7pm

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: October 27, 2003 Final Performance: November 15, 2003