Brown Girls Burlesque

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$25.00 - $40.00

About This Show

Brown Girls Burlesque is a collective of women of color dedicated to creating their own reflection in the art form of burlesque. BGB celebrates their cultures and sexuality with fierceness, artistry and humor in their newest show, Shockadelica! The BGB Sexy Dancers are Going Crazy to fête His Royal Badness, the sexiest and fiercest Artist to ever grace the stage in stilettos while ripping crazy guitar solos on His 50th birthday. BGB will drive you Delirious, Playing in the Sunshine and the Purple Rain, Raving In2 the Joy Fantastic and siring a Powerfully Fantastic Purple Parade fit for a…

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: June 6, 2008 Final Performance: June 7, 2008
Location: The Zipper Factory, New York City

336 W 37th St,

New York,


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