About This Show

Black 2: Broadway, the exclusive event celebrating the contributions of performers of color in the arts, begins its third year with another all-star event. Proceeds from this event will benefit AIDS cares charities through Sheryl Lee Ralph’s 501c3 “DIVA Foundation”.

Serving its mission “to create a support structure for the ongoing development and proliferation of talent and new works generated by and produced by people of color,” this Black 2: Broadway show focuses on the vocal achievements and talents of women of color, specifically, DIVAS! In celebration of Black History month and National Women’s month, Black 2: Broadway – DIVAS! presents some of Broadway’s favorite Divas of Color! Co-Hosted by the one and only, Sheryl-Lee Ralph, this all women show will deviate from The Black 2: Broadway formula by inviting 8 artists to perform only 2 diva numbers each, just piano and vocals.

Performing at the event will be some of the biggest, bawdiest Divas to ever hit a stage anywhere. From the jazz and recording industries the great Carla Cook and from the Broadway Stage Ebony-Joanne, BJ Crosby and Adriane Lennox, Award winning Cabaret diva Natalie Douglas, recording session and gospel favorite Melonie Daniels and a few other major surprises TBA!!

Premium Seating includes a pre-reception buffet with the artists. Doors open at 6:30pm. Show time is at 8pm.

Show Details

Dates: One Night Only: March 1, 2004