About This Show

The subjects of seduction, hypocrisy and greed sparked a ferocious scandal after the first reading of Jean Baptiste Poquelin’ timeless comedy, Tartuffe. The controversy was so provocative that years would go by before the play would pass the scrutiny of the ministers of King Louis XIV. Religious hypocrisy was at the core of the controversy, and the one of the driving issues of the play. But Poquelin, better known to contemporary audiences as Moliere, slid by the censors by peppering his now-famous comedy with all the hilarity of a situation comedy today, with thwarted lovers, a bossy maid, an easily duped husband, a controlling mother-in-law and the deviously self-righteous Tartuffe himself, who is not at all as religious as he would like his hosts to believe.

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: October 7, 2005 Final Performance: October 23, 2005