About This Show

Created by Lee Patton Chiles.
A theatrical celebration of women in the 20th Century during which they effectively moved out of second-class citizenship in America by fully securing the right to vote, to own property, and to receive an education. With the onslaught of two world wars and an unprecedented economic boom, a new social climate began to emerge which offered new opportunities for women in the workplace. At just the right moment, the pioneers were in place: women of bravery who moved into active positions of leadership in politics, science, business and the arts. Undaunted by the restrictions and criticisms often replaced upon them, they grappled with and created a new order in society – an order which had never been considered possible.

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: April 30, 2000 Final Performance: May 14, 2000
Location: Historyonics Theatre Company, Missouri

Des Lee Auditorium<br>Forest Park,

St Louis,


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