About This Show

To settle or not to settle is the unsettling question facing Bessie and Henry in their retirement cabin in Jason Williams’ What’s Next? Bessie, a bit of a romantic, wants to go outside and be drenched by a pending storm. Henry prefers to sit in a comfortable chair, read a book, enjoy his life of procrastination and remain dry. Then, knock after knock at the door turns their quiet little cabin into a house of mayhem. A young man, a young woman, a failed robbery and a bossy neighbor create an hilarious network of confusions, ambiguities, half truths and cover ups. Out of the chaos comes peace, maybe love, and Bessie and Henry are back where they started…almost.

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: November 7, 2002 Final Performance: December 29, 2002
Location: Detroit Repertory Theatre, Michigan

13103 Woodrow Wilson St,



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