About This Show

Ah, the holidays. A time for friends, family, cheer and reverent celebration. It’s also the season of buying secret santa gifts for total strangers, hearing your crazy Uncle Ned tell you about his army days for the 35th time, and getting hit on by the office creep at the non-denominational “Winter Party.” Avoid battling the crowds at the mall, Aunt Mary’s fruitcake, and the holiday blahs with some good old fashioned comedy. The Chrismashanakwanzaa Spectacular is a variety comedy show which lampoons and lambastes the holidays with sketches, dance and improv. From the embarrassing forced fun of holiday parties to the travails of preparing for family visits, no holiday tradition is left unmocked, no cow left sacred. Written and performed by the Improv Inferno ensemble, and directed by Improv Inferno’s artistic director, Dan Izzo.

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: December 2, 2005 Final Performance: December 31, 2005