About This Show

Ava Adelman, once a suburban wife and mother, and Sir Farquhar, a claimant to English peerage, live in large cardboard boxes in Moonshine Alley, the sole occupants of what Ava refers to as “a highly desirable residential area” near several up-scale restaurants. They dine on gourmet scraps, competing with a rat named Ashley for the delicacies. However, the bane of their existence is Peggy Dinsmore, a social worker who is determined to rescue them by moving them to a homeless shelter. Peter Campbell’s Moonshine Alley masterfully mocks our society’s moral ambivalence, bureaucratic obsequiousness, and police state overkill.

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: May 29, 2008 Final Performance: June 22, 2008
Location: Detroit Repertory Theatre, Michigan

13103 Woodrow Wilson St,



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