About This Show

With the Democratic Convention in town this summer, the 34 year old Publick Theatre is clearing its throat and finding its political voice. “Shakespeare wrote Troilus and Cressida during the war of attrition between England and the Low Countries, said Artistic Director Diego Arciniegas, “in it, the greatest military figures of classical literature and history debate the reasons for going to war, only to discover they cannot agree. As we debate who should lead our country, I believe Shakespeare provides considerable insight. His observations on war, ethnic hatred, xeno and homophobia could be ripped from today’s headlines.”

The show runs in repertory with The Merchant of Venice.


July 8-25

Aug 11-15

Aug 23-27

Sept 8-12

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: July 8, 2004 Final Performance: September 12, 2004