About This Show

Starring: Carol Drewes, Dian Hamilton, Diana Fabbri, Jackie Levinson, Joy Winslow, Karen Maloney, Linda deRussy, Maebush, Marj Conn, Patricia Toth, Tanya Leighton

You might see some famous people in this production of The Vagina Monologues but you will definitely see a bunch of infamous Provincetown and Cape Cod year-rounders, washashores, and summer visitors. This very special cast of women includes 6 decades of ages, professional workers, retired women, single mothers, lesbians, bisexuals, straight women, peace and justice activists, radio personalities, rescuers of Greyhounds, lovers of all animals including pigs, birds and cats, educators, feminists, grandmothers, ex-postal people still delivering, vegetarians, artists, actors and women who have never been on stage before.

The set has incorporated The Clothesline Project. This is a program started on Cape Cod in 1990 to address the issue of violence against women. It is a vehicle for women affected by violence to express their emotions by decorating a shirt. They then hang the shirt on a clothesline to be viewed by others as testimony to the problem of violence against women. Women tell their stories in their own unique way using words and/or artwork to decorate their shirts, which then are hung on the clothesline. The walls of the theatre are covered with shirts.

The Vagina Monologues is an open-minded creation of how various women view their vaginas. The show has outrageous humor and is complex and realistic without sensationalizing its subject matter. Ensler talked to over 200 women about their vaginas. Ensler says that at first women were reluctant and shy to talk but once they got going, you couldn’t stop them.

This is an award winning, groundbreaking play into the forbidden zone at the heart of every woman.

There is Free Parking at the Provincetown Inn. The theater also offers Free Wine, Free Lollipops and Free Setzer.

Box Office Hours: 20 minutes before showtime

Appropriate For Ages: 16 and above

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: October 7, 2005 Final Performance: October 16, 2005