New York City
A sudden change of fortune leaves wealthy Sara Crewe alone and penniless in the cold of a London winter. When her friends at Miss Minchin’s School for Girls turn into taunting enemies–and Miss Minchin’s greedy expectations of her “star pupil” turn into bitter rage–Sara must draw upon her incredible power of imagination, her clever wit, and her brave and generous heart to sustain her. But will they be enough? The magical answer is certain to surprise and delight in this original musical dramatization by WFT founders Susan Kosoff and Jane Staab. (Recommended for ages 6 and up.)
School Vacation Week Matinees: February 21, 22, 23, 24 at 1:00pm.
There is no evening performance of Sara Crewe on Friday the 24th during Massachusetts School Vacation Week.
Box Office Hours: Mon – Fri; noon to 5pm
Group Sales Number (15+): 617-879-2300