About This Show

The Little Red Hen has invented a machine, creating a blueprint that divides feed evenly among the chickens. All seems well as Chicken Little spreads the word and Wise Old Chicken narrates. However, when Wooster Rooster decides to oversee the building of the machine, things do not go as planned. The production of the machine is canceled, halting the Little Red Hen’s hopes and forcing the coop to choose between the left wing and the right wing. Will the Little Red Hen’s idealistic dreams become a benefit to the coop, or will the ensuing standoff result in bad weather ahead? PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT a children’s play. It is satire using the elements of folk tales, fables and the comedies of Aristophanes. Beware, it contains fowl language.

Show Details

Running Time: 1hr 0min (0 intermissions)
Dates: Opening Night: January 25, 2008 Final Performance: February 3, 2008