The Massachusetts Campaign for a U.S. Department of Peace presents its summer fundraising event featuring Jimmy Tingle. Join them for an evening of comic relief with the brilliant comedy and insightful satire of Jimmy Tingle, who will perform his newest one-man show, Jimmy Tingle’s American Dream.
In cooperation with the nationwide efforts of The Peace Alliance, The Massachusetts Campaign for a U.S. Department of Peace and are organizing local grass-roots activities to support the creation of a U.S. Department of Peace. This historic legislation was proposed by Congressperson Dennis Kucinich and is sponsored in the House of Representatives by 53 other Congresspeople nationwide. The primary function of a United States Department of Peace will be to research, articulate, and facilitate nonviolent solutions to domestic and international conflict. The Department would formulate nonmilitary peaceful conflict resolutions, prevent violence, and promote justice and democratic principles to extend and expand human rights. Go to to learn more about this legislation and how you can help us to create a safer world.
Group Sales Number (10+): 617-591-1616
Appropriate For Ages: 13+