New York City
Centered on the story of “The Plaids,” (Sparky, Smudge, Jinx and Francis) a classic 1950’s all-male singing group, who were waylaid on their way to their first big gig. Audiences will be rolling in the aisles and tapping their toes as “The Plaids” reunite to perform the concert that never was in this hysterically nostalgic musical, performing some of the 50s’ greatest hits: “Catch a Falling Star,” “Three Coins in the Fountain,” “Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing” and “Magic Moments.”
Forever Plaid has quickly become one of the most popular and widely produced musicals in recent history. The Rep’s charming and side-splitting celebration of the precision harmonies produced by the musical foursomes of the ’50s and ’60s and featured in Forever Plaid spotlights a stellar cast show-casing an ensemble of the best male voices to grace Seacoast stages in recent memory including local favorites Craig J. Faulkner (Jinx), Joe Cooper (Sparky), Miles Burns (Francis) and newcomer Seth Mrowka (Smudge). It doesn’t matter if you remember the music of the ’50’s or not, Forever Plaid is light-hearted fun that will entertain all generations. So if you’ve seen it before, be first in line to see it again. If you haven’t, get your tickets today to experience the screamingly funny, entirely enchanting and utterly entertaining Forever Plaid.