Its summertime again and summertime means family cookouts and family cookouts mean Family Beef. So throw your beef on the grill and come on down to the Crows Nest for a festival feast of one acts, interviews and shout outs about our Inner-tribal conflicts: the way we kiss and make up …or not!
Featured Playwrights: Janine Carter, Patrick Gabridge, Daniel John, and
Frank Shefton
Featured Performers: Pamela Lambert, Kaili Turner, Priscilla Albee,
Amanda Good Hennessey and Vincent Ernest Siders
August 10 (abridged show case)….at 8pm*
August 11, 12…………………at 8pm
August 12…………………….at 3pm
August 13 (abridged show case)…at 3pm*
* show length approx. 60min
Box Office Hours: one hour before show time
Appropriate For Ages: 16 and older