New York City
Stan Strickland, a well-known local jazz musician who has set Boston joints jumpin’ for over 20 years, will use his music and incredible persona to tell a tale of discovery and love in a premier performance this fall at Jimmy Tingle’s Off Broadway Theater. Coming Up For Air: An Autojazzography is based on an experience when Strickland almost drowned off the coast of Hawaii and literally experienced his life flashing before his eyes. Through a fantastic performance of saxophone, flute, keyboard, and an assortment of percussion, Stan Strickland riffs about his life and art. Directed and written by local playwright Jon Lipsky (Maggie’s Riff), Coming Up for Air is an enchanting and tender journey told through extraordinary music and story-telling.
Group Sales Number (10+): 617-591-1616
Appropriate For Ages: 14+