About This Show

From the unsettling mind of George Bonin comes the space opus Among The Stars. Akin to Star Trek and Lost in Space, cousin to Barbarella and Rocky Horror the story of the handsome and heroic Captain Coxs and the crew of the Chevy Nova, while on a rescue mission to the far away world of Estrogina, encounter the evil Empress Rizella and her regime of Nazi Teen Sluts who now rule the planet by mass food supply, drugged induced mind control. Using disco as one of her secret weapons the empress disables the Chevy Nova until it crash lands on her planet. Once in her power she plays a cat and mouse game of seduction with the crew set to the rockin melodies of this campy new musical comedy romp.

Show Details

Running Time: 2hr 0min (1 intermission)
Dates: Opening Night: October 9, 2008 Final Performance: November 1, 2008