In a compelling departure from The Hanover Theatre’s annual mainstage production, 2020’s A Christmas Carol Reimagined features a small band of players who sneak into a dark theatre, shuttered by a pandemic. Dusty scenic pieces and the discarded playbills from a cancelled production of A Christmas Carol litter the space. The ghost light, however, remains illuminated. Inspired, the troupe uncovers the forgotten treasures that have been left behind, using what they find to tell Charles Dickens’ classic tale of the miserly Ebenezer Scrooge in a whole new way.
Enjoy this filmed theatrical production, directed and adapted by Troy Siebels and presented by THT Repertory (THT Rep), where it was filmed! Share the experience at one of the safe, socially-distant screenings in the BrickBox Theater and delight in the props, costumes and set pieces on display. The new BrickBox Theatre is located at the Jean McDonough Arts Center, and is a program of the Worcester Cultural Coalition operated in par