Sunday in the Park With George

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$60.00 - $75.00; Ticket packages for the entire <i>Reprise!</i> season range from $165.00 - $195.00

About This Show

Sunday in the Park With George is a moving portrait of an artist struggling to reconcile the perfect, imaginary world of his painting with the imperfect, messy world of real life. Act I revolves around Georges Seurat (1859-1891) and the creation of his signature painting “Sunday Afternoon On The Island Of La Grande Jatte.” Seurat’s inability to commit to anyone or anything but his work is echoed in Act II as George’s great-grandson confronts his own artistic demons and failure to connect. Past and present merge as both Georges discover basic truths about art, human connection and the constant struggle to “break through to something new.” Some of Sondheim’s most beautiful songs are featured in the score including “Putting it Together,” “Move On,” “Children and Art” and “Sunday.”

The production stars Manoel Felciano, Kelli O’Hara, and Nancy Dussault. It is being presented as part of REPRISE! Broadway’s Best, now in its ninth season at UCLA’s Freud Playhouse. Founded by Marcia Seligson, who served as Producing Artistic Director from 1995 until 2005, REPRISE! has presented twenty-seven of America’s best and most classic musicals of this century.

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: January 31, 2007 Final Performance: February 11, 2007
Location: Freud Playhouse, California

245 Charles E Young Dr E,

Los Angeles,


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Theatermania Review

| | February 2, 2007
The Reprise! staging of Stephen Sondheim and James Lapine’s landmark musical is colorless on many levels.

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