About This Show

Prepare ye to come sing about love! Godspell is one of the biggest off-Broadway and Broadway successes of all time. Based on the Gospel According to St. Matthew, and featuring a sparkling score by Stephen Schwartz, Godspell boasts a string of well-loved songs led by the international hit “Day By Day.” As the cast performs “Prepare Ye the Way of The Lord,” “Learn Your Lessons Well,” “All For The Best,” “All Good Gifts,” “Turn Back, O Man,” and “By My Side,” the parables of Jesus Christ come humanly and hearteningly to life. Drawing from various theatrical traditions such as clowning, pantomime, charades, acrobatics, and vaudeville, the show is a groundbreaking and unique reflection on the life of Jesus, with a message of kindness, tolerance, and love.

Show Details

Running Time: 2hr 0min (1 intermission)
Dates: Opening Night: July 3, 2015 Final Performance: August 2, 2015
Ticket Office: 805-907-114