About This Show

Women Playwrights Outreach Project presents Fallen Women: Visionaries, Vixens, Veterans and Vamps, two afternoons of staged readings, featuring a plethora of plays that range from the historic to the allegorical, from the absurd to the surreal, from the sexy to the salacious.

November 8th

Visionaries: works by Kathleen Cecchin, Mary Casey and Anita George move fluidly from the mystical, to the tragic, to the historical.

Vixens: short plays by Lisi DeHaas, Ana Castanon and Sibyl OMalley chronicling extramarital affairs, lesbian dating, crash diets, and other fun forms of mainstream torture.

November 15th

Veterans of the Women’s Movement, The Military and the Film Industry in fabulous one act plays by Judith Resell, Sharyn Blumenthal and Gail Heitman.

Vamps: Angela Bolton, Catherine Coker and Lily Sauvage surprise us with their humor and witty wisdom.

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: November 8, 2003 Final Performance: November 15, 2003
Location: Celebration Theatre, California

7051 Santa Monica Blvd,

West Hollywood,


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