About This Show

Based on the writings of Aristophanes and the popular gay graphic novel Lysistrata by Ralph Koenig, writer Stewart Zuckerbrod adds a unique twist to the story of Lysistrata. It’s ancient Greece and the Athenians have been at war with the Spartans for so long that no one even remembers why it started. Together with her lover, the Spartan singer Lampito, lesbian activist Lysistrata convinces the women of Athens to go on a sex strike to stop the men from fighting. This results in painful…ahem…hardship for the soldiers and the gay men of Athens, led by the drag queen Hepatitos, are all too happy to lend a hand. What happens when the homophobic army institutes "Operation: Buddy Relief" is the subject of this madcap romp through "Life! And death! And Sex! And…(sigh)…love…"

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: July 19, 2007 Final Performance: August 25, 2007
Location: Write Act Repertory Company, London

6128 Yucca St,

Los Angeles,


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