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Family Beef: Truth Serum Edition

family beef truth serum edition logo 24991

Family Beef: Truth Serum Edition

About the Show

Welcome to the Crows Nest, where the Truth compressed, concealed, explodes in Revelation

TYG Productions loves uncompromised new works, experimental theater, and vibrant classics. (If you don’t want to talk about the play over sushi or ribs afterward, it wasn’t worth your time.) In addition, TYG Productions in collaboration with the like-minded, is exploring the use of theater as a teaching aid and as a means to develop skills for fun and profit in daily life.

Featured Plays:

Scrambled by Brett Hursey
His wife makes breakfast over and over again because her husband went to the store to buy kotex for another woman. He has to find a way to get through to her. This is a very noisy piece.

Stick Fly by Linda Diamond
What happens when the grown kids find out their Dad is the father of the maid’s daughter?

Nurse Bessie by John ADEkoje
July 26, 27, 28 & August 9, 10, 11
She has a lot to say to the baby she’s holding, but what makes you think it’s a baby?

Last Supper by Doug Reed
The father left many years ago but his wife sets a place for him at the table every night. Her four grown daughters fall apart every time they get together at that table. . . and then a new man enters the house.

Hollering Murder by Mwalim
Just because she’s telling the whole neighborhood how bad he is doesn’t mean it’s true.

Undressing Fear by Daniel John
A man discovers that doing exactly what he’s most afraid of in this case, taking off his clothes for money, leads to hilarity and happiness.

Voices by Daniel John
A ghost comes to him for help and finds out what really matters; at the same time his wife nearly drowns and finds out what really matters. Meanwhile the old mansion goes from despair to joy.

“the best new play festival to come along in ages.” “strong, provocative theater.” “hearty, heartwarming, heartbreaking, and delicious!”
— Beverly Creasy, Theater Mirror, on the August 2006 Family Beef

“Some years back, a popular TV commercial featured a diminutive, exceedingly distraught, but feisty older woman with a big foghorn of a voice. She angrily gestured at a fast food hamburger, so small in size, that the bun completely hid the meat patty. ‘Where’s the beef?’ was her beef. ‘Where’s the beef?’ […] The “beef” returned this summer with an entertaining night of theater. . . As the strong applause indicated, it went down very well!” –Kay Bourne, Art Report, Aug. 22, 2006

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