This magical production, based on the Royal Shakespeare Company’s sparking new stage adaptation of the classic 1939 MGM movie, is presented with breathtaking special effects that will sweep audiences away from the moment the tornado twists its way into Kansas.
Director Nigel West, choreographer Leigh Constantine and set and costume designer Tim McQuillen-Wright utilize the glamour and elegance of art deco Hollywood as the visually stunning technicolor backdrop for The Wizard of Oz. Dorothy, Toto and their friends the Cowardly Lion, Tin Man and Scarecrow are transported "Over the Rainbow" to adventures in Munchkin Land, the Haunted Forest and the enchanted Emerald City.
Featuring the timeless songs, composed by Harold Arlen with lyrics by W.Y. Harburg, "Over the Rainbow," "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead" and "If I Only Had A Brain," along with the beloved characters, The Wizard of Oz will have the entire family captivated as they travel down the yellow brick road for an unforgettable evening at the theater.