Anuvab Pal’s Publish or Perish is a comedy about the intricacies of blasphemy and the lengths to which people will go to gain literary immortality. Two hopelessly failed writers, Michael Jordan and Mohammed Ali, share none of the glory of their famous namesakes, and now in old age, seemed destined to die in obscurity. In a last ditch effort, Michael Jordan writes a blasphemous book in hopes of attracting a Muslim fatwa (or edict) demanding his death. Sadly, no such fatwa materializes, and the book goes unnoticed in the Islamic world. Ever more determined to attract fame, or at least notoriety, a disgruntled Mr. Jordan convinces Mr. Ali to stage a “deadly act” before a video camera. Mr. Ali’s sole qualification for performing the act? He happens to “look” Middle Eastern. Robert Chambers directs.