Forced to abandon her home in the projects, Little Dorothy and Ratty-Ass Dog finds themselves stranded up-town, where they meet Rags, the Tin-Can Man, and Scaredy-Fuckin Cat. Homeless and destute, Dorothy and the gang wander the streets formulating a plan to regain thier homes and their lives. The solution: cut off the head and the body dies–they’re going straight to the top to remove the perpetrator, the stealer of their bread and their homes–get rid of that man behind the curtain. That is, until the wicked and wickeder Witches discover the plan and do their sworn duty to to foil the quest to restore the home and hearth.
OZ The Urbantale captures the reality of our streets, our hearts, our minds, and questions our own courage and the motives, challenging us all to face the impending flurry of the Modern Urbanites.