About This Show

When Luba Mason slinks into a room, heads are always bound to turn. Not just for the fact that she’s tall, blonde and beautiful. But for that certain je ne c’est quoi that she owns, and that she carries, ever so gracefully. And when Luba breaks into song, the classically trained vocalist with the impressive Broadway credentials, absolutely soars into an ultra-sensual and celestial zone, one that blends a highly electrifying mix of Latin, pop, jazz and folk–to stunning effect. Her debut CD Collage (PS Classics), produced by the legendary Jeffrey Lesser (Barbra Streisand, Lord of the Rings) and available in stores now, features Luba’s soulful imprint on 14 tracks of pop classics by George Harrison, Neil Diamond, Van Morrison, Lou Reed, Elvis Costello and Ruben Blades, who also joins her for a rendition of Johnny Nash’s "I Can See Clearly Now."

Show Details

Dates: Opening Night: September 26, 2007 Final Performance: September 27, 2007