
Long Day’s Journey Into Night


Long Day’s Journey Into Night

About the Show

Eugene O’Neill’s extraordinary psychological epic, Long Day’s Journey Into Night, unfolds over one day in the fogbound summer home of the Tyrone family. Presiding over the tension-filled house is James Tyrone, a vain, retired matinee idol whose childhood of poverty left him unable to give – as an actor, a husband, or a father.
His sons Jamie and Edmund are each tortured by their own demons, and their mother Mary Tyrone, addicted to morphine after the birth of Edmund, is unable to act as her family disintegrates into physical and spiritual ruin. This production reunites Goodman Artistic Director Robert Falls and Award-winning actor Brian Dennehy for their fifth collaboration together.

Performance Notes: Thursday showtimes alternate weekly between 2pm and 7:30pm; Saturday matinee shows will be held on 3/30 & 4/6 only at 2pm; There is no Sunday matinee performance on Opening Day, 3/3; The special performance on Monday evening, March 4th is already sold out.

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