Heavy features the trials and tribulations of being a plus-sized person in a Paris Hilton-sized world. With all original material including songs and other surprises, Heavy promises to entertain and maybe enlighten.
Eat or No Eat pits Barile against Johnson-Dunlop in a battle of nutrition trivia which – inevitably – ends up with one or the other eating whatever is concealed in one of 10 lunch bags in front of them.
The Pencil Test brings husky audience members right into the world of Heavy in ways they can’t even imagine.
Buffet Man is Faster than a three-legged busboy…More powerful than a mouthful of wasabi… Able to leap screaming steam tables in a single bound.
Babe and the Fat Guy reinvent true crime television.
Directed by Lavina Jadhwani, Heavy tackles with humor and warmth and maybe a little vitriol thrown in for good measure.