ComedySportz Sensory Friendly Match

About This Show

ComedySportz pits two teams of improv comedians against each other in a battle for points and laughs, based entirely on audience suggestions. And now, it’s custom-designed to be more accessible for individuals and families who will benefit from a relaxed and supportive environment. The sensory-friendly performance is specially designed for children and adults with sensory input disorders, autism, or other developmental or cognitive disabilities, as well as families and caretakers.

ComedySportz promises a judgment-free, fun experience for the entire family. Families can participate in a pre-visit social story and are offered preparatory materials. CSz will be keeping the audience lights on, but at a dimmed level, and will lower the volume of their speakers to limit noise sensitivity, but encourage audience members to bring headphones if necessary. The ref will be using a whistle or other noise to signal a transition, with a glow stick warning beforehand.

Show Details

Dates: One Night Only: December 29, 2019