Welcome to the darkly comic world of Shel Silverstein, a world where nothing is as it seems and where the most innocent conversation can turn menacing in an instant. The eight imaginative plays in this collection range widely in content, but the style is unmistakable. Lisa’s got the best daddy in the world. After all, he bought her a pony for her birthday. Too bad he shot it dead. Jen and Sherwin sit safely on their bed, but Jen forces her husband to imagine they are on a sinking boat in the middle of a terrible storm. Waves fill the boat with water; there are no life jackets; and Sherwin must decide whether he should throw his mother overboard or condemn them all to die. Bender, Snooky, and Jimbo have found the man responsible for the smiley face and the phrase “Have a nice day,” and they’re going to make him pay. Merrilee and Sherilee are offering the deal of the century. “Buy one, get one free,” the hookers sing. It’s a golden opportunity. And it all rhymes.