About This Show

Are you an asshole? Do you know any assholes? Do you have any theories on assholes and assholic behavior? I think we can all answer “yes” to these questions. This special event sets out to provide a sample, merely a sample, of the plethora of examples, explanations, and confessions about being, knowing, and confronting assholes in all their glory. 16 performers share with us their observations about assholes, including a distinguished panel of experts who will determine if audience members are, in fact, assholes. Come prepared to share with us, for this one night event, your secret suspicions and fears about yourself, and leave knowing, once and for all, if you qualify for that mighty epithet, “ASSHOLE!” Written and performed by Idris Goodwin, Cris Taylor, Nicole Garneau, and Kat McJimsey, among others. Hosted and curated by one of the best, Jenny Magnus.

Show Details

Dates: One Night Only: November 7, 2004
Location: Curious Theatre Branch, Illinois

2827 N Lincoln Ave,



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