New York City
Sobe Wonderland is an original comedy musical set in South Beach, Miami, Florida. It is a modern day fractured fairy tale based on the most popular fairy tale of them all, Cinderella. It features a wicked stepmother from hell, Evil Lina, a real estate diva, her two daughters, Georina and Jebastacia ( as in George and Jeb) . Georgina is a Paris Hilton wannabe and Jebastacia, an eco warrior. Their step sister, poor put upon Chicabella, dreams of going to the Ball and marrying a Prince. Her best friend, and only friend in that madhouse is a Magic Mirror, Marcus. South Beach Royalty is represented by The King, Elvis, who is married to The Queen of England.
It is a modern day tale of life in America’s hottest tourist resort. It is all singing, all dancing with laugh out loud comedy. It is outrageous, flamboyant and there is twist in the tale of the love story.
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