New York City
Lucy and Desi: A Home Movie, an Emmy Award-winning documentary, is a "touching, no-holds-barred portrait of the turbulent marriage of Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz" (Chicago Sun Times), which will be presented by The Ridgefield Playhouse Film Society Lost & Found Film Series on Sunday, May 26, at 6:30 p.m. Produced and directed by Lucie Arnaz and Laurence Luckinbill, the film features personal home movies and interviews with her parents’ close friends and relatives in a documentary that provides rare television footage and a look at Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz’s personal mementos. Lucille Ball saved every one of Desi Arnaz’s love letters, which daughter Lucie Arnaz discovered while researching the project. Director/actor Lucie Arnaz, the actor/singer daughter of the famous couple Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz, will be on hand along with producer/actor Laurence Luckinbill and the film’s Emmy and Ace Award-winning editor Sandra Consentino for a post-screening Q&A hosted by Emmy Award-winning journalists Ira Joe Fisher and Morton Dean. This event is underwritten by Cohen and Wolf, P.C. and The Ridgefield Press with media sponsor WSHU Public Radio Group.