About This Show

The Pointed Remarques Classical Theatre Company presents the world premiere of Terry Kroenung’s new adaptation of The Three Musketeers as its 4th Annual Food Fight production. In association with the Society of American Fight Directors, Pointed Remarques has agreed to donate the proceeds from this new show to assist in restocking the shelves of the Community Food Share food bank. This new adaptation of Alexandre Dumas’ 1844 novel contains all of the familiar elements that readers and audiences are familiar with—great action scenes (there are 20 fights), romance, intrigue, gorgeous costumes, rousing music–but adds the presence of Dumas himself as he struggles to write his book. Aiding him is his ten year-old niece Charlotte, dropped off so her mother can go shopping with Mrs. Dumas. She becomes his de facto editor (much against his will), prodding him in the proper direction and providing an emphatic veto of scenes he attempts to write that are clearly wrong. These fantasy scenes (the innocent heroine Constance wields a sword with gusto, the Musketeers dance across the stage like the Rockettes, the villains embrace Zen Buddhism) are included, making this version of The Three Musketeers different from any the audience may have seen before.

Founded in 1981, Community Food Share supplies a network of 90 local human service agencies who distribute food to those in need: the working poor, the homeless, the unemployed, the physically and mentally disabled, and children, seniors and adolescents at risk. Through its member agencies and innovative programs, CFS serves people in poverty, people working for minimum wage, people with health-related, job-related, or housing-related problems, who do not have the means to purchase all the necessities of daily living. This is not a temporary crisis, but a fact of life for too many people. CFS has evolved from the traditional model of a food bank, to address the chronic problems of families not having enough resources to pay for food each month.

Admission to The Three Musketeers on October 28 is 1 bag of non-perishable food or a $10.00 donation, per person. The food bank prefers cash, as they are able to buy more food per dollar than the public can.

Show Details

Dates: One Night Only: October 28, 2006

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