New York City
The Denver Children’s Theatre’s production of The Garden of Rikki Tikki Tavi is a playful comic adaptation of one of Rudyard Kipling’s classic tales, perfect for families with children ages PreK-grade 6. Long before there was Bollywood, there was Kipling, the quintessential English writer whose stories unfolded in exotic Indian settings. In this story, Darzee the diva bird and Chuchu the rat are irritated to find that a chatty young mongoose named Rikki Tikki Tavi has arrived in their garden. The adventure begins when two deadly cobras threaten the resident human family and the denizens of the garden. The annoyance of Rikki’s new companions turns to gratitude when the courageous young mongoose bravely stands up to Nag the cobra. In the process, everyone learns that each animal has its place, and that honesty, courage and cooperation can help to overcome a dangerous enemy.