New York City
Set in 1930’s Berlin, John O’Keefe’s incisive and passionate play stars the original, award-winning cast, Laurie O’Brien and Norbert Weisser, and is directed by John O’Keefe himself. Based on a true story, Times Like These tells the story of two actors, a Jewish woman and her “Aryan” husband, resisting the rise of Nazism. The woman, while trapped in her Berlin apartment, coaches her devoted husband in his upcoming appearance as Hamlet in the Nazi-controlled German State theatre.
Times Like These begins in previews at Traveling Jewish Theatre (470 Florida Street in San Francisco) starting Wednesday, January 21 through Saturday, January 24 – all at 8pm. Opening night is Sunday, January 25 at 7 p.m. at TJT. The show continues its run at TJT through February 22. The show moves to the Julia Morgan Center for the Arts (2640 College Ave. in Berkeley) February 26 and continues through February 29.
No matinee performance Sunday, January 25th, 2004.
The production is sponsored by The Holocaust Center of Northern California.